Climate change March/Strike

Speech: Why, Why did you guys have to bring climate change onto this earth. We don’t like it, we don’t want it. You  idiotic leaders are putting all this weight on our shoulders and all you keep talking about is money and work and we don’t want climate change to be here any longer. When you bring more climate change you are putting your children’s future at stake. You are killing the earth and everything on it including yourselves.We need to stop.We need to stop anything that is hurting us,the environment,And the Earth,Because What If climate change is made because of you older people that are like over 20 or more, with all the damage you guys brought into earth,Your Kids or younger people have to face it, we have to fight, and we have to take the consequences of your guys doing, And you really think we want to do it,No we don’t, none of this would of happened if you guys didn’t  bring up on us climate change,And even If we don’t want to fight climate change,We are forced to, to save ourselves,I am disappointed in you guys,I really hope that you will or have learned your lesson. Thank you for helping with the speech,  Ixcali Jimenez.


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